3D Print 17 de febrero de 2021DEFOSS Brings Ritual Back to Music with Partially 3D Printed Turntable. It’s incredibly convenient to listen to music these days. You don’t need physical objects like tapes, records or CDs...
New Atlas 17 de febrero de 2021Stylish turntable designed to make you pause for a listen Nielsen Music's most recent report shows that, though streaming continues to be the music consumption king of the castle, vinyl...
Hiconsumption 17 de febrero de 2021TECH / Defoss Logigram Turntable Vinyls will never fade away, but in order to fully enjoy your records, you need to invest in a high-performance turntable that will do the music justice....
Design-Milk 17 de febrero de 2021The Logigram Turntable Combines Analog Audio With 3D Printing Music has a long history of bringing people together, and in the case of Italian architect Luca Chieregato and Chilean industrial...
The Coolector 17 de febrero de 2021DEFOSS LOGIGRAM™ TURNTABLE / INNOVATIVE DESIGN There has been an undeniable vinyl revolution over the last few years and more and more brands are throwing their hats into the ring...
Designboom 17 de febrero de 2021Defoss combines classic components and modern technology for LOGIGRAM record player. Dedicated to the pleasure of taking a moment for yourself and your music, design studio defoss has created LOGIGRAM,...